Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How to Tell Your Nation's Leader Needs Relieved of Duty

It's been a while, I know.  I have been busy with work -- yes, I actually do something with my time besides find ways to avoid writing here...

I've never been one to think Hugo Chavez was playing with a full deck.  That El Presidente de Venezuela would think Iran's leader still has full control of his faculties is already sending up warning signs, and that was one of Hugorama's more recent did-he-really-just-say-that? moments.  So it's not like I took to writing this post thinking the man had taken a sudden turn for the dumber.  It's been a long time in coming.

But, Mr. Chavez, please don't take it wrong if one -- or most -- of your constituents ask you kindly to please step out from behind the desk and hand over any of the nation's pens and/or stationery you may have "borrowed" during your years of service.  Really, it would be crazy of them not to.  Of course, in your case, crazy is most decidedly a relative concept, because next to you Tom Cruise looks like Ben Stein.

Hugo, Hugo, Hugo...your disdain for capitalism is well documented.  We know how much you hate America and everything for which this great nation stands.  But if you ever manage to hold a public office find a job for which you are still sane enough again, I would strongly urge you not to claim that capitalism killed life on Mars.

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