Friday, May 20, 2011

Tomorrow's Rapture Has Been Cancelled. Apologies for the Inconvenience.

You've likely heard by now that Jesus is supposed to come back tomorrow -- at least according to one largely misguided man and his followers.

Maybe I should back-track a bit.  Could Christ return for His people on May 21, 2011?  Absolutely.  He could also come back on May 23rd, August 9th, or some time in 2338.  No one knows.

And that's the point.  No one knows.

New post @ God Then Country

As some of you know, I run multiple blogs.  One that has been a long time in planning but has just now finally had its first finished post is God Then Country, a blog with the purpose of opening dialog about faith and national identity and the intersection between the two.

That post addresses the national debt crisis and can be found here.  Please take the time to read, and leave comments on the site.  The dialog starts today!